Thursday, June 16, 2011

Father's Day

It comes around once a year, and each time I grow more thankful. You see, some people idolize Superman, or Wolverine, or Spiderman. I think it's kind of sad because they'll never be able to sit down and pick the brains of those they idolize. I'm lucky. Not only is my hero still alive and kickin', but I get to ask him for advice whenever I want. The few good traits I recognize in myself I can only attribute to me trying (and usually failing) to be like the one person who has literally saved me from car wrecks, motorcycle accidents, baseball injuries, and shitty decision making. Yep, good ole' Dad. I strive daily to try and be just a fraction of what my dad is. It took me well into my adult years to realize the hard work he voluntarily put forth so my sisters and I could have a decent, memorable, normal childhood. He worked exhausting hours for a selfish son, and the craziest part of this whole mess was his humility and ability to remain humble. After all the shit I put my parents through it's amazing I never had an "accident" during a camping trip that involved my dad burying an infant son in the woods hoping the bears would find him before the police did.

So, this little tribute goes out to my father. The man who taught me real values in life. The man who let me fail so that I could learn what life is about, and yet was always there to help me pick up the pieces. This is to the man who defines "solid work ethic." To the man who taught me when to be patient, and when to stand up. This is to the man who is driven by an unimaginable love for his children that he would willingly work his body into the ground to see them smile. If I ever become a dad, you can be sure that I will spend my entire life trying to replicate the pristine values that my father tried so hard to impress upon me. Thank you Dad, and I love you.

Update from my lil' sis:
Anytime I think of my childhood, I smile. We were and are so lucky to have grown up so normally. I have to thank Mom too, for picking such a wonderful man to be our father. Lord knows we don't get to pick our parents. So I guess it was a little bit of mom, and a whole lot of luck that we ended up with Pops. My father never gave me anything I didn't earn, and for that I am grateful. Dad never did anything FOR me, he always did it with me. Even being a 16 year old blonde girl, he TAUGHT me to change my oil, he didn't change it for me. Sometimes parents lose sight and go the easier route. Would it have been easier for him to just change my oil for me? Probably. But dad wasn't interested it easy, he was interested in making sure I would turn out to be an independent adult, and a contributing member of society. Dad isn't a man of many words, but we always knew he loved us because he showed us everyday. Dad always made sure we were provided for, even when he needed new shoes or clothes. We are so lucky to have the best father in the world.We love you Pop!_jan

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